
Friday 10 September 2021

Why in the world would our author depict a Glock handgun?

Good day to all.

Good question! Now, let me get to the answer.

For a while now there’s been a debate around the question if a Glock handgun has a thumb safety or not. This was sparked by the following part in the story “Desert Rose,” chapter 2.


Here, you might need it,” I said and handed her the Glock and the two extra magazines.

And why should I need it? I can hold my own.”

Oh, for ducks fake! You have just been assaulted. I know you can take care of yourself; I’ve just seen you do it. But take the damn thing and protect yourself. Better have it and don't need it, than need it, and don't have it.”

Okay. Thanks, mister Windsor…” Angie said, brushing a strand of red hair behind her ear. For a moment I thought she would add something, but she just took the gun, checking the magazine and safety as if she had done this ritual before. She then slid the gun into her denim trouser waistband, turned, and started to walk in the direction of the harbour entrance, shivering in the cold with her arms folded around her.

I silently followed Angie and thought of how she disabled the two guys. Jiu-jitsu? Using their own movements and energy against them? And the little ritual with the Glock? What an enigma of a girl. I wondered where she got all that experience. Definitely not from her uncle.


This sparked a whole debate about if a Glock has got a safety or not. Given — you do get Glock handguns that don’t have a thumb safety, as there are built-in safety features that require you to operate the gun in such a way that it would fire. BUT! In certain countries, it is required by LAW that ALL firearms must have a MANUAL SAFETY.

Therefore, GLOCK did modify its offering to have a manual thumb safety for those countries that require it.

I would like to give an extract of some comments I received:

Comment #1

This is coming along nicely. One point of correction, Glocks don't have manual safeties. The mechanism is built into the trigger.

Comment #2

There are a few after-market options, and Glock put an ambidextrous thumb safety on its submission to the US military's Modular Handgun System competition. I also just found an article claiming that some Thai police Glocks have a manual safety. Maybe one of those found its way to our recently incapacitated thug.

AND Comment #3

Why in the world would our author depict a Glock handgun? That gun does not fit the human hand in any sense of the word. Baboons, apes and deformed people who can tilt the wrist in an awkward manner seem to be able to manage it. But for me, just give me good old 1911 and I'm happy. It fits my hand just right.

To answer the question:Why in the world would our author depict a Glock handgun?

Very simple: Just to show you that I look at every angle of facts before I say something that will not leave egg on my face. AND it was said: “A picture Paints A Thousand Words.” So, those that say Glocks have no thumb safeties, Please look at the picture!

I do research every aspect of the story with questions like:

1. Can it happen? What if?

2. Will the audience see this as fact or fiction? What if?

3. Where in the world did it happen before? What if?

4. If something is about to happen, then what will the consequences be, else, what is the alternative? If, then, Else?

5. Will I believe it? YES, only if verified by fact, then so will my readers believe it. NO, it is not believable, so the readers will stop reading the story and BOO me! (That’s why computers have <DEL> buttons.

Another question that came out of this whole thing is: So, what handgun do you use?

For me, that is the one I am comfortable with.

  • One that I know like the palm of my hand.

  • One that I’ve been using as a sidearm for about twenty-odd years.

  • One that I’ve been in a firefight with on a few occasions and survived.

  • One that is reliable and easy to use.

  • One that never gave me problems.

  • One that I don’t need a full workshop to field strip.

And I do concur with Comments #2 and #3.

I don’t want a plastic thing that will crack and bend out of plum. On a stage, Angie used the Glock to clobber a guy. Only my one editor had a comment about that. Yes, you can use a Glock to clobber someone! Just see to it that the barrel and slide hit the target first!

At some stage, some Law Enforcement Agency, here in South Africa, issued Glocks to their members. It did not last long until they switched back to Berretta or FN Browning. (1911 Colt 45 ACP is rare and expensive in South Africa, but what a gun!)

For those of you that just enjoy the story; Thank you! And sorry for that rant.

For those of you that like and treasure your Glocks, go for it and have fun. For those of you that don’t like Glocks, you are entitled to your opinion.

Whether it is a Glock, Colt, S&W, Beretta, Z88, FN Browning, or whatever you can think of, if it works, it’s good, your life might depend on it. Different brands of firearms don’t kill differently. They all do the job if needed.

But, can we leave this subject now?

Stay safe and stay well.

Bye 4 now.

* The spelling and grammar in quotes #1, #2, and #3 was copied as it was received, and no alteration was made. JD

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